image transparent Download Free Full Version: January 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019

🙂 Puma’s self-lacing sports shoe gives Nike’s Adapt BB a run for its money 😎

Puma has unveiled a self-lacing shoe to take on Nike's Adapt BB. The fit can be adjusted via a smartphone app or the Apple Watch, with additional changes possible via a small touchpad on the top of the shoe.

The post Puma’s self-lacing sports shoe gives Nike’s Adapt BB a run for its money appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Uber seeks to be a ‘one-stop shop for transportation’ with new app feature 😎

Uber has added public transit options to its app as part of a plan to make it easier for those who want to start or finish a journey in an Uber while using public transportation in between.

The post Uber seeks to be a ‘one-stop shop for transportation’ with new app feature appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Make some time for the best smartwatch deals for February 2019 😎

Smartwatches make your life easier by sending alerts right on your wrist. Many also provide fitness-tracking features. So if you're ready to take the plunge into wearables and want to save money, read on for the best smartwatch deals.

The post Make some time for the best smartwatch deals for February 2019 appeared first on Digital Trends.

Free 100% 😎 Telegram 1.5.9 Download Now!

DOWNLOAD.ID – Telegram adalah Aplikasi chatting yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengirimkan pesan rahasia yang dienkripsi end-to-end sebagai jaminan keamanan.

Kelebihan aplikasi ini terlalu banyak, dan salah satunya ialah dapat diinstall pada PC tanpa menggunakan bluestacks.
Dengan Telegram Anda juga dapat berbagi lebih dari sekedar gambar dan video, tapi juga memungkinkan Anda mentransfer dokumen atau mengirim lokasi Anda saat ini ke teman dengan mudah. Cepat, ringan, tidak ada iklan dan benar-benar gratis.
Program ini mempunyai user interface yang bersih dan mempunyai berbagai fitur, dan karena itu sangat banyak digunakan orang di seluruh dunia saat ini. Tidak seperti aplikasi chat lainnya, Software ini berbasis cloud, yang berarti Anda dapat dengan mulus memindahkan percakapan Anda antara smartphone, tablet, web dan bahkan di desktop Anda.
Setelah anda mengetahui cara untuk menggunakan aplikasi chatting pada Smartphone dengan OS iOS dan Android, sekarang mari kita lanjutkan ke cara penggunaannya pada Web Browser, Telegram support di berbagai media, dan anda tidak perlu menghubungkan smartphone anda untuk mengakses melalui web maupun PC Desktop.
Setelah diverifikasi, semua pesan dan kontak akan muncul di aplikasi ini. Manfaat yang jelas besar yaitu bahwa Anda sekarang dapat chatting dengan orang lain menggunakan keyboard biasa.

Lisensi Freeware
Developer Telegram Messenger
Sistem Operasi Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

Download Telegram untuk PC/Laptop Gratis Terbaru dengan mengklik tombol diatas

Baca Selengkapnya Telegram 1.5.9


Free 100% 😎 Comodo IceDragon Download Now!

Comodo IceDragon
DOWNLOAD.ID – Comodo IceDragon adalah browser Internet yang sangat cepat dan dirancang dengan menggunakan engine/platform Mozilla yang menampilkan beberapa perangkat tambahan keamanan dari Comodo security.

Keamanan internet adalah perhatian utama bagi semua pengguna internet. Serangan dari konten berbahaya di berbagai situs menjadi fenomena yang sekarang bisa terjadi.Comodo IceDragon menjaga privasi Anda serta informasi sensitif seperti login ke situs tertentu seperti jejaring sosial, akses akun bank dan lain-lain. Anda dapat tetap terlindungi dari semua hal tersebut hanya dengan menggunakan browser IceDragon Comodo.
Comodo bukanlah perusahaan yang asing dalam bidang software security. Begitu juga dengan Firefox yang merupakan salah satu browser populer saat ini. Bagaimana jika kemampuan browsing Firefox digabungkan dengan ketangguhan Comodo Security? Jawabannya ada di Comodo IceDragon!
Beberapa fitur Comodo IceDragon :
– ComodoSecureDNS: Ini adalah fitur gratis built-in didalam Aplikasi ini! Fitur ini memungkinkan browser untuk memberi peringatan kepada user jika situs yang sedang dikunjungi terindikasi program berbahaya.
– SiteInspector: Ini adalah fitur untuk memindai situs apapun untuk mendeteksi konten berbahaya di dalamnya.
– Dimatikannya Crash Report dan Performance Data Submissions untuk menjaga privasi pengguna.
Pada saat proses instalasi kamu akan diberi pilihan untuk menggunakan Comodo SecureDNS. Comodo SecureDNS adalah DNS yang disediakan secara gratis oleh Comodo dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan keamanan anda saat berinternet. SecureDNS akan memblokir berbagai macam malware, spyware, phishing, dan situs berbahaya lainnya yang tidak sengaja anda kunjungi.

Lisensi Freeware
Developer Comodo Group Inc
Sistem Operasi Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

Download Comodo IceDragon Gratis Terbaru dengan mengklik tombol diatas

Baca Selengkapnya Comodo IceDragon


🙂 From Air to Pro, here are the best MacBook deals for February 2019 😎

If you’re in the market for a new Apple laptop, let us make your work a little easier: We hunted down the best up-to-date MacBook deals available online right now from various retailers.

The post From Air to Pro, here are the best MacBook deals for February 2019 appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Looking to upgrade? These are the best iPhone deals for February 2019 😎

Apple devices can get expensive, but if you just can't live without iOS, don't despair: We've curated an up-to-date list of all of the absolute best iPhone deals available for February 2019.

The post Looking to upgrade? These are the best iPhone deals for February 2019 appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 From Chromebooks to MacBooks, here are the best laptop deals for February 2019 😎

Whether you need a new laptop for school or work or you're just doing some post-holiday shopping, we've got you covered: These are the best laptop deals going right now, from discounted MacBooks to on-the-go gaming PCs.

The post From Chromebooks to MacBooks, here are the best laptop deals for February 2019 appeared first on Digital Trends.

Download Free 💙 K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 14.7.0 Full Version 100% Work

mega codec packBAGAS31 – K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 14.7.0 adalah software multimedia yang memiliki fungsi untuk memutar banyak format file audio dan video. Terutama untuk format-format yang jarang sekali ditemui serta tidak bisa diputar di player biasa. Software ini bisa di-install hampir di semua jenis Windows, seperti Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 dan tentunya Windows 10.

Di artikel kali ini saya akan membagikan versi terbarunya yaitu 14.7.0. Tentu dengan berbagai fitur tambahan yang bermanfaat. Jika sobat adalah seorang penyuka film-film dengan format file yang asing, software ini sangat tepat untuk digunakan. Silakan download versi terbaru melalui link yang telah disediakan.

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 14.7.0


k lite codec

k-lite mega codec pack terbaru


  • KLite Mega Codec Pack 14.7.0
    Download Links | Size: 54,5 MB
  • Password: | Status: Tested (Windows 10 – 64bit)


  • Latest version of the best codecs.
  • All components of the “KLite codec Pack” are chosen so that between them there were no conflicts.
  • The installation is very simple. If desired, you can choose only those codecs and tools that you really need.
  • At any time you can completely or partially remove the KLite codec Pack, leaving at the same time, no trace of his stay (including registry keys).
  • Each Pack is tested for the presence of possible conflicts between codecs and other programs.
  • KLite codec Pack is trying to avoid problems between new and already installed codecs on your computer, and can even solve some of the existing ones.

Cara Install:

  1. Download file melalui link di atas.
  2. Ekstrak file yang sudah sobat download.
  3. Install program.
  4. Selesai. Enjoy!

Jangan lupa download juga Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus Update Januari 2019 Full Version.

Semoga bermanfaat.

DOWNLOAD K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 14.7.0 DOWNLOAD NOW!

Download Free 💙 WhatsApp Delta v0.0.1 Apk: Alpha Edition Full Version 100% Work

BAGAS31 – WhatsApp Delta v0.0.1 Apk: Alpha Edition adalah aplikasi WA yang telah dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa sehingga memiliki fitur-fitur keren yang tidak dimiliki oleh aplikasi Official WA. Aplikasi mod ini dikembangkan oleh developer Indonesia, DELTALabs.

Aplikasi ini memiliki tampilan yang sangat elegan, minimalis dan user-friendly. Tampilan daftar story-pun dibuat hampir mirip seperti Instagram, berjejer secara horisontal. Keren. Dan seperti biasa, fitur dasar mod ini adalah terhadap setting privacy-nya, hide story view, freeze last seen, remove blue tick, anti-revoke message dll. Silakan download WA Delta v0.0.1 Apk: Alpha Edition melalui link yang telah disediakan di bawah.

WhatsApp Delta v0.0.1 Apk: Alpha Edition


gb whatsapp


Download :

  • WA Delta v0.0.1 Apk: Alpha Edition
    Download Links | Size: 34,8 MB
  • Password: | Status: Tested (Xiaomi Mi 5)

What’s New v0.0.1?

  • Base v2.18.385
  • Color Scheme
  • Home Image Wallpaper
  • Card Background
  • Custom Color Background for Text Status
  • Save/Copy Status
  • Private Mode
  • Direct Chat/Audio Call/Video Call without Save Number
  • Backup-Restore Data
  • Backup-Restore Theme
  • DND Mode
  • More…

Fitur Utama WA Delta v0.0.1 Apk: Alpha Edition:

  • Ban proof
  • supports calls
  • hide your ( last seen )
  • privacy mods
  • themes mods
  • DND Mod
  • Ability to Hide Chats
  • Ability to Send Message or Call to Unknown Nos.
  • Ability to Download Status/Stories
  • Ability to Send Broadcast to Groups
  • Theme Server ( to download/apply themes )
  • and many many other features .. discover it by yourself

Panduan Install:

  1. Download aplikasi melalui link di atas.
  2. Masuk ke Setting > Security, ijinkan Unknown Source (Sumber tidak diketahui).
  3. Install aplikasi.
  4. Buka aplikasi, login menggunakan akun WA sobat.
  5. Selesai. Enjoy!

Note: Aplikasi mod ini bisa berjalan berbarengan dengan aplikasi Official WA karena memiliki package name yang berbeda. Namun jika sobat ingin menggunakan WhatsApp Delta v0.0.1 Apk: Alpha Edition sebagai yang utama, silakan bisa memindahkan data-data dari aplikasi Official WhatsApp.

Semoga bermanfaat.

DOWNLOAD WhatsApp Delta v0.0.1 Apk: Alpha Edition DOWNLOAD NOW!

🙂 Houzz suffers a huge data breach, asks users to reset password 😎

Home improvement startup Houzz informed its users Thursday that it suffered a data breach in December 2018. The company encouraged users to change their passwords as a safety precaution.

The post Houzz suffers a huge data breach, asks users to reset password appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Neato Botvac D7 review 😎

Neato’s Botvac Connected D7 robot vacuum delivers great cleaning performance, but it’s a bit spendy, and it lacks the features and finesse of the Roomba i7. Find out more in our review.

The post Neato Botvac D7 review appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 The best family cars for 2019 😎

The perfect family car should exude value, without sacrificing practicality. Thankfully, there are a host of family cars that do just that, including a three-row SUV and one of the best stations wagons ever built.

The post The best family cars for 2019 appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Apple patents a transformable glass keyboard for MacBooks 😎

Apple's latest patent filing shows that the company might be searching for an alternative to the standard keyboard with a morphable glass top layer that can adapt to provide a physical response when typing.

The post Apple patents a transformable glass keyboard for MacBooks appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Apple patent hints at Force Touch volume rocker on a future iPhone 😎

Apple is continuing its war on physical buttons, and has filed a patent for a volume rocker that uses Apple's Force Touch tech. The tech could end up being used on either the iPhone or the Apple Watch at some point in the future.

The post Apple patent hints at Force Touch volume rocker on a future iPhone appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Walgreens’ smart fridges scan your face and remember your behavior 😎

Walgreens smart fridges will scan your face and remember your behavior in select stores piloting a retail technology called Cooler Screens. The first smart coolers were installed in a Walgreens in Chicago on January 14.

The post Walgreens’ smart fridges scan your face and remember your behavior appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 The best iRobot Roomba deals to make cleaning your home a breeze 😎

Keep your home clean without lifting a finger using a robot vacuum cleaner. These nine iRobot Roomba deals not only help you keep your home tidy, but many also come with advanced features such as automatic scheduling and Wi-Fi connectivity.

The post The best iRobot Roomba deals to make cleaning your home a breeze appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 How to check your CPU temperature 😎

Need to learn how to check your CPU temperature? You've come to the right place. Whether you plan to delve into your UEFI/BIOS or just need a software recommendation, we have you covered.

The post How to check your CPU temperature appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Fortnite season 7, week 9 challenge guide: Pop 10 golden balloons 😎

The Fortnite season 7, week 9 challenges have arrived as we near the end of this wintery season. One of the biggest challenges this week is to find and pop 10 Fortnite golden balloons. Here's where to find these balloons and how to pop them for this challenge so that you can get the reward.

The post Fortnite season 7, week 9 challenge guide: Pop 10 golden balloons appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 MIT’s new robot can play everyone’s favorite block-stacking game, Jenga 😎

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a robot which uses the latest machine learning computer vision to play everyone’s favorite tower-toppling game, Jenga.

The post MIT’s new robot can play everyone’s favorite block-stacking game, Jenga appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 How to reset your router 😎

Resetting your router is a good way to get into it if you forget your password, but it can provide some security benefits too. Here's how to go about it, no matter what router you have.

The post How to reset your router appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Stephen King’s ‘The Stand’ will become a streaming miniseries on CBS All Access 😎

Stephen King's groundbreaking post-apocalyptic saga The Stand will be adapted as a 10-part miniseries for streaming service CBS All Access, with The New Mutants director Josh Boone co-writing and directing the series.

The post Stephen King’s ‘The Stand’ will become a streaming miniseries on CBS All Access appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Take a gander at the best deals on 4K TVs for February 2019 😎

There's no doubt that a good 4K smart TV is the best way to take your home entertainment setup to the next level to enjoy all your favorite shows, movies, and games in glorious Ultra HD. We've got the best 4K TV deals right here.

The post Take a gander at the best deals on 4K TVs for February 2019 appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Amazon drops prices on Vitamix, Nutribullet, and Ninja Blenders 😎

You don’t need to be a chef at a Michelin-rated restaurant to properly blend. With savings on top brands like Vitamix, Nutribullet, and Ninja, now is a great time to save big on a name-brand kitchen appliance.

The post Amazon drops prices on Vitamix, Nutribullet, and Ninja Blenders appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Need a new tablet? Here are the best iPad deals for February 2019 😎

In the wide world of tablets, Apple is still the king. If you're on team Apple and just can't live without iOS, we've curated an up-to-date list of all of the best iPad deals currently available for December 2018.

The post Need a new tablet? Here are the best iPad deals for February 2019 appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Windows 10 October 2018 Update is only installed on 12 percent of PCs 😎

According to the latest AdDuplex data, the October 2018 Update is running on 12 percent of PCs across the world. The previous April 2018 Update holds an 82 percent install base.

The post Windows 10 October 2018 Update is only installed on 12 percent of PCs appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Amazon just knocked down the price of this Instant Pot by $50 😎

Just in time for the big game this weekend, the Instant Pot Plus 60 Duo 9-in-1 Multi-Cooker is being discounted on Amazon. If you were thinking of picking up this handy countertop kitchen appliance, now is the perfect time to save big.

The post Amazon just knocked down the price of this Instant Pot by $50 appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 From Samsung to HP, here are the best cheap Chromebook deals right now 😎

Whether you want a compact laptop to enjoy some entertainment on the go, or you need a no-nonsense machine for school or work, we've smoked out the best cheap Chromebook deals -- from full-sized laptops to 2-in-1 convertibles -- that won't cost you an arm and a leg.

The post From Samsung to HP, here are the best cheap Chromebook deals right now appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 DirecTV Now sheds more than 250,000 subscribers in a single quarter 😎

DirecTV Now's parent company, AT&T, released its subscriber numbers for the fourth quarter of 2018, and the news isn't good. The streaming service saw a loss of more than a quarter of a million subscribers.

The post DirecTV Now sheds more than 250,000 subscribers in a single quarter appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Here are the most common OnePlus 6T problems and how to fix them 😎

The OnePlus 6T is one of our favorite phones of 2018, with a nice teardrop notch and flagship specs. But the device isn't totally perfect. We've gathered some common OnePlus 6T problems here, along with possible fixes.

The post Here are the most common OnePlus 6T problems and how to fix them appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Google removes its own data-collection app after it got past Apple 😎

Only a day after Apple removed Facebook's Research data collection app from its systems, Google removed a data collection app of its own, which it also managed to get past Apple. The app is called Screenwise Meter.

The post Google removes its own data-collection app after it got past Apple appeared first on Digital Trends.

GET Free 100% 😎 Studio One Professional Full Version

Studio One Professional Full Version merupakan salah satu jenis software populer didunia yang dapat kita manfaatkan untuk merekam, mengedit, serta menciptakan music sendiri dengan hasil yang memuaskan. Studio One Professional sendiri memiliki interface yang...

The post Studio One Professional Full Version appeared first on kuyhAa.Me | Free Download Software Full Version.

GET Free 100% 😎 MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2019 Premium Full Terbaru

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2019 Premium Full Terbaru merupakan sebuah tools editing video kategori canggih berlabel profesional, menyediakan plugin berkualitas tinggi untuk effect videonya. kita dapat mengontrol penyesuaian warna pada setiap individu gambar ataupun pada...

The post MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2019 Premium Full Terbaru appeared first on kuyhAa.Me | Free Download Software Full Version.

GET Free 100% 😎 Winrar 5.61 Full Terbaru / 5.70 Beta 1

kuyhAa.Me -Winrar 5.61 Full Terbaru / 5.70 Beta 1 Siapa coba yang gak kenal namanya WINRAR , software compress dan extract file yang sangat populer, yang memudahkan kita membuat Kumpulan Folder dan file menjadi 1...

The post Winrar 5.61 Full Terbaru / 5.70 Beta 1 appeared first on kuyhAa.Me | Free Download Software Full Version.

GET Free 100% 😎 Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Gold Edition Full Version

kuyhAa.Me -Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Gold Edition Full Version PLAZA merupakan game yang sudah lama rilis namun kini kembali di update dengan feature Gold Edition dimana game telah memasuki versi 1.03 Update 5 dan juga...

The post Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Gold Edition Full Version appeared first on kuyhAa.Me | Free Download Software Full Version.

🙂 Facebook plans ‘major improvements’ as platforms grow to 2.7 billion users 😎

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger now have an estimated 2.7 billion users -- and Facebook is making big plans. During the end of year conference call to investors, CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared the company's plans for expansion in 2019.

The post Facebook plans ‘major improvements’ as platforms grow to 2.7 billion users appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 James Gunn in talks to direct Suicide Squad movie, give franchise his own spin 😎

James Gunn has gone from Marvel to DC Comics, and is now expected to direct the sequel to 2016's supervillain team-up movie Suicide Squad for Warner Bros. Pictures. He was already working on the film's script.

The post James Gunn in talks to direct Suicide Squad movie, give franchise his own spin appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Huawei folding smartphone: News and rumors 😎

Huawei will release a folding smartphone with 5G connectivity in 2019, according to the CEO and executives for the company. Rumors are also spreading to take away some of the mystery surrounding the exciting device.

The post Huawei folding smartphone: News and rumors appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Lowes’ Iris home automation system is shutting down permanently 😎

Lowe's sent email to Iris Smart Home Platform customers announcing it will shut down the platform and Iris services effective March 31, 2019. Iris customers can redeem Iris products via an online Redemption link in the email, not at stores.

The post Lowes’ Iris home automation system is shutting down permanently appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Drones dispense rat poison to help rid islands in Galapagos region of rodents 😎

If you’re trying to get troublesome rats off a Galapagos region island without damaging the native animals or plants, what’s the best way to go about it? Use rat poison-dispensing drones obviously.

The post Drones dispense rat poison to help rid islands in Galapagos region of rodents appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 ‘Wargroove’ is a fantastic tactics games for fans of Advance Wars 😎

Wargroove is a fantastical Advance Wars successor with beautiful pixelated visuals and rewarding grid-based combat. In addition to a meaty campaign, Wargroove has an intuitive map editor that lets you create robust campaigns of your own.

The post ‘Wargroove’ is a fantastic tactics games for fans of Advance Wars appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 What is an RSS feed? 😎

What is an RSS feed, anyway? This traditional method of following online news is still plenty useful. Let's take a look at what RSS means, and what advantages it has in today's busy world.

The post What is an RSS feed? appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Download your archive and get ready to bid farewell to Google+ on April 2 😎

Get ready to say goodbye to Google+. Starting April 2nd, all data, photos, and comments on the social media platform and all Google+ pages will be removed, but you still have time to back up your data.

The post Download your archive and get ready to bid farewell to Google+ on April 2 appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 The best movies on HBO (February 2019) 😎

From 'The Shape of Water' to 'The Hangover,' we've compiled a list of the best movies currently streaming on HBO, whether you're looking for something thrilling or fun to watch with the entire family.

The post The best movies on HBO (February 2019) appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Pentax Star Series 11-18mm F2.8 promises sharp shots for astrophotography 😎

Ricoh introduced two new lenses for Pentax K-mount DSLRs, including an ultra-wide 11-18mm f/2.8 in the company's high-end Star Series. Also announced was a new version of the 35mm f/2 for full-frame cameras.

The post Pentax Star Series 11-18mm F2.8 promises sharp shots for astrophotography appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Get 100% Life is Strange 2 Episode 1 Free Download 🔔 😎

Life is Strange 2 Episode 1 Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for Windows. It is an amazing adventure game.
Life is Strange 2 Episode 1 PC Game 2019 Overview
Purchase the Complete Season and receive the ‘Arcadia Bay’ patch bundle to customise your in-game backpack.

The award [...]

The post Life is Strange 2 Episode 1 Free Download appeared first on Ocean of Games.

DOWNLOAD Life is Strange 2 Episode 1 Free Download DOWNLOAD NOW!

🙂 Ben Affleck officially exits ‘The Batman’ as solo film gets release date 😎

Warner Bros. Pictures' The Batman now has an official release date, but it will need a new star after Ben Affleck officially exited the project following years of uncertainty regarding his role with the film.

The post Ben Affleck officially exits ‘The Batman’ as solo film gets release date appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 HMD’s Nokia phones arrive on Verizon and Cricket, without Google’s Android One 😎

HMD is ramping up its presence in North America for its Nokia phones, and that starts with three key carrier partnerships. The Nokia 2V is coming to Verizon, the Nokia 3.1 Plus to Cricket Wireless, and Rogers gets the Nokia 2.1.

The post HMD’s Nokia phones arrive on Verizon and Cricket, without Google’s Android One appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Need a Coke? Hulu to start showing small, static ads when you pause your show 😎

The next place you'll see ads on Hulu is when you're not watching video at all. The streaming service has announced it plans to show ads when viewers pause their shows by using a graphic overlay.

The post Need a Coke? Hulu to start showing small, static ads when you pause your show appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 This self-healing coating erases scratches and cracks within seconds 😎

Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a new novel coating material which can self-heal within seconds after being scratched, scraped, or cracked. Here's how it works.

The post This self-healing coating erases scratches and cracks within seconds appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 When is your phone getting Android 9.0 Pie? We asked every major manufacturer 😎

Android 9.0 Pie has been released. But is your phone getting Android 9.0 Pie, and if so, when? We've done the hard work and asked every device manufacturer to see when their devices would be getting the update.

The post When is your phone getting Android 9.0 Pie? We asked every major manufacturer appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 UPS expands in-home delivery service to take on Amazon Key 😎

UPS announced it is expanding its partnership with smart lock company Latch to enable in-home deliveries. The feature will be available in 10 new cities including Atlanta, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

The post UPS expands in-home delivery service to take on Amazon Key appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Criterion Collection’s stand-alone movie streaming service to launch April 8 😎

Rumors of a stand-alone streaming service powered by the Criterion Collection have been swirling for months. Now we have a confirmation: The Criterion Channel will be launching April 8, starting at $10 per month.

The post Criterion Collection’s stand-alone movie streaming service to launch April 8 appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Steam users aren’t reacting well to Epic’s ‘Metro Exodus’ exclusivity deal 😎

Steam users are voicing their displeasure over the Metro Exodus Epic Games store exclusivity deal by bombarding the Steam pages of the two previous Metro games with negative reviews.

The post Steam users aren’t reacting well to Epic’s ‘Metro Exodus’ exclusivity deal appeared first on Digital Trends.

💛 DOWNLOAD new 🎮 Auslogics Duplicate File Finder Free Full Version ❤️

A PC's hard drive tends to become very full, very quickly. You may have thousands of photos, videos, music files or documents, and most of which you will probably never open! Cleaning out your system regularly is worth doing, but it can be a long process and some people are overwhelmed because there are just too many files to manually sift throug...

DOWNLOAD Auslogics Duplicate File Finder DOWNLOAD NOW!

🙂 2020 Jaguar F-Type gets limited edition, standard CarPlay and Android Auto 😎

The 2020 Jaguar F-Type gets a Checkered Flag Limited Edition model referencing Jaguar's sports-car history. It also loses its manual transmission option, but gains standard Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

The post 2020 Jaguar F-Type gets limited edition, standard CarPlay and Android Auto appeared first on Digital Trends.

💛 DOWNLOAD new 🎮 YouTube Song Downloader 2019.19.05 Free Full Version ❤️

YouTube Song Downloader is a lightweight app that helps you download audio and video files from YouTube*. It has a standard interface that is easy to use, coupled with an array of functional options to configure. Getting started with the app is very easy; simply enter the artist or song title in the search box and you receive the results fro...

DOWNLOAD YouTube Song Downloader 2019.19.05 DOWNLOAD NOW!

💛 DOWNLOAD new 🎮 AdwCleaner for PC Windows Free Full Version ❤️

AdwCleaner is an application that searches for and deletes Adware, Toolbars, Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) and browser Hijackers from your computer. By using AdwCleaner you will be able to remove numerous types of unwanted programs. This in turn will give you a more streamlined PC and a better user experience whilst browsing the web. Key Fe...

DOWNLOAD AdwCleaner for PC Windows DOWNLOAD NOW!

🙂 Audi celebrates 20 years of the TT by bringing back ‘baseball’ interior 😎

The Audi TT is turning 20, so Audi put together a special-edition model to celebrate. The TT 20th Anniversary Edition features interior and exterior design elements that reference the groundbreaking TTS Roadster concept and early production models.

The post Audi celebrates 20 years of the TT by bringing back ‘baseball’ interior appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Tesla’s profitable fourth quarter sets the pace for the EV sector 😎

Tesla reported the EV company was profitable for the second consecutive quarter at the end of 2018. Tesla's profitability is a bellwether for the entire electric vehicle sector as it maintains pressure for other brands to develop EVs.

The post Tesla’s profitable fourth quarter sets the pace for the EV sector appeared first on Digital Trends.

🙂 Can’t wait for summer? Neither can Volkswagen’s electric dune buggy 😎

Volkswagen has released a pair of teaser sketches that preview an electric dune buggy concept. Scheduled to make its debut at the 2019 Geneva auto show, the yet-unnamed design study is built on the modular MEB platform.

The post Can’t wait for summer? Neither can Volkswagen’s electric dune buggy appeared first on Digital Trends.

GET Free 100% 😎 ELEX Repack Full Version

kuyhAa.Me -ELEX Repack Full Version merupakan game yang berjenis Sand-box open world dimana semua wilayah terbuka sejak game dimulai. Ketika para pemain dapat melihat sebuah tempat yang lokasinya terdapat di peta, pemain dapat segera menghampirinya. Tentunya...

The post ELEX Repack Full Version appeared first on kuyhAa.Me | Free Download Software Full Version.

100% Work 🔍 Photo Supreme + x64 + patch

Photo Supreme + x64 + patch If you have a lot of photos on your computer and you need to sort them all out so that it is convenient to move around, then this program will probablyPhoto Supreme + x64 + patch come in handy as it is a good cataloger, you can download Photo Supreme crack below. After launch, you need to select a folder for importing, it can be a folder locatedPhoto Supreme + x64 + patch on a portable media, camera, and so on.Photo Supreme keygen Then you can quickly navigate through the folders and view your pictures, print them, edit, and so on.

Developer: IDimager Systems Inc
License: ShareWare
Language: English
Size: 101 & 121 MB
OS: Windows

How to Install:

1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

Download Photo Supreme + x64 + patch

Photo Supreme + x64 +

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100% Work 🔍 SpanSoft TreeDraw 4.4.2 + keygen

SpanSoft TreeDraw 4.4.2 + keygen A powerful program for displaying your genealogical tree, is able to import your pedigrees from the programs “Kith and Kin Pro, from databases like GEDCOM,SpanSoft TreeDraw 4.4.2 + keygen which were created in other genealogy programs, download SpanSoft TreeDraw crack below.After you import your file with it you can work and customize to your needs.SpanSoft TreeDraw patch From the screenshot you canSpanSoft TreeDraw 4.4.2 + keygen see that I just opened an example of such a database, which was in the directory with the program, then you can change the font and text, add pictures, new branches, and so on, print and save to mate PDF.

Developer: SpanSoft
License: ShareWare
Language: English
Size: 5 + 5 MB
OS: Windows

How to Install:

1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

Download SpanSoft TreeDraw 4.4.2 + keygen

SpanSoft TreeDraw 4.4.2 +

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SpanSoft TreeDraw 4.4.2 + keygen.torrent

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DOWNLOAD SpanSoft TreeDraw 4.4.2 + keygen DOWNLOAD NOW!

100% Work 🔍 Steganos Safe 20.0.7 Revision 12476 + key

Steganos Safe 20.0.7 Revision 12476 + key If you are very worried about the security of your files, then try to download Steganos Safe keygen from our project, because this development was created to secure your secret data by encrypting it, and you can expose an unlimited number of files to this process, it all depends on your needs. , and the program is able to implement them all.After launching Steganos Safe crack, you can create a necessary number of protected hard drives in a couple of mouse clicks, each can be up to 256 gigabytes.Steganos Safe 20.0.7 Revision 12476 + key Of course, the encryption algorithm, the program uses one of the most reliable, if you write more precisely, then this is the AES algorithm, it is currently one of the most modern, world leaders in encryption, its code reaches a length of 256 bits. If you believe the developers, then Steganos Safe patch has never been hacked by hackers. I ask you to pay attention here to what a pleasant moment, in addition to entering a password, you can encrypt data using USB devices or mobile phones. This means that to run the program, you just need to insert a USB device, this is by the way a very reliable way.Steganos Safe serial key can easily turn your memory card into a mobile secure, it can mean that you can transfer data to any computer, you don’t need to install any additional software, your employees can always add the necessary data, and as soon as the card is removed from the system,Steganos Safe 20.0.7 Revision 12476 + key the data will be automatically encrypted, inserted the drive, you can work again, as convenient and simple as possible.Steganos Safe 20.0.7 is completely transparent to work with other programs, all antiviruses treat it perfectly, there are no complaints, you can see all the processes yourself. In addition to the encryption methods that I wrote below, you can put a picture on the password, this is also secure and unusual, and the program can also protect data transmitted via Outlook mail, and if you have an iPod, it can be your key instead of any other drive. Well, the last thing I wanted to write is when creating a password, Steganos Safe will show how secure it is, so you can hardly specify a couple of letters or just a simple password, which means security will be enhanced.

Developer: Copyright Steganos Software GmbH
License: ShareWare
Language: English
Size: 32 MB
OS: Windows

How to Install:

1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

Download Steganos Safe 20.0.7 Revision 12476 + key

Steganos Safe 20.0.7 Revision 12476 +

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Steganos Safe 20.0.7 Revision 12476 + key.torrent

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DOWNLOAD Steganos Safe 20.0.7 Revision 12476 + key DOWNLOAD NOW!

100% Work 🔍 WinASO Registry Optimizer v5.6.1 + keygen

WinASO Registry Optimizer v5.6.1 + keygen A new version of a fairly advanced utility has been released, the goal of which is to clean and then optimize the system registry, due to which the Windows operating system should run faster and more stable. With light tools, you can remove any rubbish and wrong paths from the registry. Several times you can click the mouse to solve all the problems with the registry, of course, you can make a full copy of it before,WinASO Registry Optimizer v5.6.1 + keygen you can download WinASO Registry Optimizer serial key in the full news.It seems to me that many of you understand that a lot of unnecessary accumulates over time, especially after removing any applications, they often leave traces there, so you have to use special developments, such as WinASO Registry Optimizer crack, to quickly and reliably remove all unnecessary, due to which the system should speed up, it’s on theory, but in practice I didn’t check it, maybe the developers are not lying.WinASO Registry Optimizer v5.6.1 + keygenThere are some additional features of the program, for example, you can check the registry according to the schedule you set, there is a tool to defragment the registry, you can view a list of errors, WinASO Registry Optimizer patch can work with automatically loaded programs at system startup, you can also completely remove the software from your computer did not leave traces after them, deleting files after browsing the Internet is also possible. On this description you can finish, I hope WinASO Registry Optimizer will be useful.

Developer: X.M.Y. International LLC
License: ShareWare
Language: English + Russifier
Size: 8 + 11 MB
OS: Windows

How to Install:

1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

Download WinASO Registry Optimizer v5.6.1 + keygen

WinASO Registry Optimizer v5.6.1 +

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WinASO Registry Optimizer v5.6.1 + keygen.torrent

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DOWNLOAD WinASO Registry Optimizer v5.6.1 + keygen DOWNLOAD NOW!

100% Work 🔍 WinTools net Professional & Premium v19.0 + keygen

WinTools net Professional & Premium v19.0 + keygen a fresh version of an interesting tweaker from domestic developers has become available for download.WinTools net Professional & Premium v19.0 After launching and registering the product, you will receive all the necessary tools for competently optimizing your computer;WinTools net Professional & Premium v19.0 + keygen from the screenshots you can draw the first conclusions about the possibilities; if you are interested, you can download WinTools net Professional & Premium crack in the full news.Please note that using hotkeys you can access the main settings of the program, which is quite convenient. Among the impressive list of add-ons, WinTools net Professional & Premium serial key is able to allow you to work in hidden mode, that is, all traces left after using the system will be deleted automatically, WinTools net Professional & Premium v19.0 + keygenfor this you just need to create a control point and after all work roll back.WinTools net Professional & Premium patch is able to work with the system registry, you can delete installed programs, configure some hidden system parameters, and manage protection. Of course, this is a short list of main features, you will learn more in detail directly when you get acquainted with the development, I hope WinTools net Professional & Premium will be useful to you.

Developer: Software Engineering Group, Ltd
License: ShareWare
Language: Multi + Russian
Size: 4 + 3 MB
OS: Windows

How to Install:

1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

Download WinTools net Professional & Premium v19.0 + keygen

WinTools net Professional & Premium v19.0 +

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WinTools net Professional & Premium v19.0 + keygen.torrent

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100% Work 🔍 Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 24.55 + keygen

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 24.55 + keygen I decided to add the program to this category, as it can work with multimedia files. In general, you have a very professional and functional set of useful tools for working with MP3 files. If you decide to download Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro serial key from our website to the full news, then you can not only easily edit ID3 tags, but also copy audio tracks from CDs to your hard drive with a choice of necessary formats (such as quality, size, channel quality and so further), burn MP3s to CD discs, Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 24.55 + keygencarry out simple and fast conversion of WAV files to MP3. This I just listed a small part of all the advantages of development.Let’s now take a closer look at the key features of Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro crack. For example, you have a lot of tracks, but they do not contain tags, of course, filling them yourself is not very convenient, so the program provides support for automatic filling, data will be taken from large Internet servers, or rather the base will be one and it will be development of the company, there is a lot of information, so most likely everything will be found. Returning to the topic of tags, Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro patch can work with ID3v1 and v2, forgot to add this small plus.Naturally, the development has a built-in audio player, which is also convenient when you work with music files, because you don’t always remember what each song is and what its rhythm is, and you can immediately listen, remember and enter the necessary data into the tags, which of course can also be called a plus.There is a built-in MP3 organizer – with its help, you can keep track of which tracks you need to download,Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 24.55 + keygen where you need to transfer and so on, set all sorts of reminders and the like.Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 24.55 is able to normalize the sound of songs, that is, if you have too high or low volume in some tracks, then you can adjust this moment and listen to the song. Of course, you can work with playlists, create new and edit old ones, and if you have a lot of music files and you don’t remember whether there are replays or not, Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro has a duplicate search tool, searches for both by name and by size.The last thing to write is support for renaming a large number of music files, and having tags exported to an HTML file. The program interface is convenient, the crack is attached, I think you will understand the abundance of functions.

Developer: Zortam Corp
License: ShareWare
Language: English
Size: 23 + 25 + 22 MB
OS: Windows

How to Install:

1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

Download Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 24.55 + keygen

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 24.55 +

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Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 24.55 + keygen.torrent

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100% Work 🔍 Ableton Live Suite 10.0.6 + keygen

Ableton Live Suite 10.0.6 + keygen is one of the best music programs for working with Arrangement and Session modes, which means it is perfect for studio work and for DJing, that is, for working in real time with tracks.Ableton Live Suite serial key Fame product has received due to the fact that many musicians trust her, Ableton Live Suite 10.0.6 + keygenthis applies to both DJs and producers, there are even those who personally participated in its development.Ableton Live Suite crack What we have? A mixture of musicians, if you can say so, and programmers, and the output is a super-duper product, which is really created to facilitate the process associated with the creation of a new work, plus all the highest requirements were taken into account and implemented.Ableton Live Suite patch Ableton Live Suite 10.0.6 + keygenYou can add this software with VST plug-ins, as well as ASIO, Core Audio and other other technologies, plus you can use your own set of effects and instruments if you wish, since they are quite enough.Ableton Live Suite 10.0.6 Highlights include recording support up to 32-bit / 192 kHz, the ability to edit tracks with an infinite number of undoes, there is a function to create group tracks, support for VST and Audio Unit, track freeze function, ReWire software protocol, support for multi-core processors, extensive support for audio formats, sync, MIDI implementation and more.

Developer: Ableton
License: ShareWare
Language: English – There is no Russian language.
Size: 1.79 + 1.68 GB
OS: Windows

How to Install:

1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

Download Ableton Live Suite 10.0.6 + keygen

Ableton Live Suite 10.0.6 +

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Ableton Live Suite 10.0.6 + keygen.torrent

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DOWNLOAD Ableton Live Suite 10.0.6 + keygen DOWNLOAD NOW!

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GeoGebra is a free dynamic mathematics software tool for all levels of advanced education. The application combines geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus and bundles them into one easy-to-use package. Users can use GeoGebra as a standalone product or they can also take advantage of other features including inte...


100% Work 🔍 Ashampoo Slideshow Studio 2017 + key

Ashampoo Slideshow Studio 2017 + key The program for creating beautiful slide shows, while all can be done in a couple of clicks, which of course is convenient, Ashampoo Slideshow Studio 2017 + keyyou can download Ashampoo Slideshow Studio crack below. You can add animation, music, transitions to the project, after the project you can write to media, you can make a slideshow in HD,Ashampoo Slideshow Studio 2017 + key you can immediately upload it to YouTube and so on.Ashampoo Slideshow Studio patch The interface is convenient, Russian support is available of course.

Developer: ashampoo GmbH and Co KG
License: ShareWare
Language: Multi + Russian
Size: 52 MB
OS: Windows

How to Install:

1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

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Ashampoo Slideshow Studio 2017 +

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Ashampoo Slideshow Studio 2017 + key.torrent

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DOWNLOAD Ashampoo Slideshow Studio 2017 + key DOWNLOAD NOW!

100% Work 🔍 Book Collector Pro 19.0.4 + patch

Book Collector Pro 19.0.4 + patch If you have a large database of books in your computer, then you should use this program, as it will allow you to put your entire Book Collector Pro 19.0.4 + patchcollection in order, download Book Collector Pro crack below.It can work not only with books but also magazines. It is easy to add a new book, edit existingBook Collector Pro 19.0.4 + patch ones too, since the Book Collector Pro keygen can connect to the base of book sites and from there take the information for your literature.

Developer: Collectorz com
License: ShareWare
Language: English
Size: 32 MB
OS: Windows

How to Install:

1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

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Book Collector Pro 19.0.4 +

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Book Collector Pro 19.0.4 + patch.torrent

The post Book Collector Pro 19.0.4 + patch appeared first on CrackingPatching.

DOWNLOAD Book Collector Pro 19.0.4 + patch DOWNLOAD NOW!